Abstract Concurrent Session
Debate Session
Fishbowl Discussion
Industry Symposium
Meet-the-Professor Session
Networking Event
Patient Session
Plenary Session
Scientific Session
Abstract Concurrent Session
Debate Session
Fishbowl Discussion
Industry Symposium
Meet-the-Professor Session
Networking Event
Patient Session
Plenary Session
Scientific Session
Time | Frontenac Ballroom | Exhibition |
16:00-16:45 |
Opening Ceremony
16:45-17:45 |
Opening Plenary: The Future in Lupus
17:45-18:45 |
Welcome Reception
Time | Frontenac Ballroom | Metropolitan West | Pier 2&3 | Queens Quay | Exhibition |
08:00-08:45 |
Breakfast Industry Symposium 01 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Breakfast Industry Symposium 02 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Breakfast Industry Symposium 03 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
09:00-10:00 |
Plenary Session: Year in Review
10:00-10:30 |
Coffee Break, Visit Exhibition & Poster Viewing
10:30-12:00 |
Scientific Hybrid Session: The Future of Drug Trial Design in SLE
Basic Scientific Session: Disease Heterogeneity
Pediatric Scientific Session: Outcomes and Targets in Children with SLE
Patient Session: Mental Health in SLE
12:15-13:15 |
Lunch Industry Symposium 01 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Lunch Industry Symposium 02 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Lunch Industry Symposium 03 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Lunch Break
13:30-14:30 |
Abstract Concurrent Session 01
Abstract Concurrent Session 02
Abstract Concurrent Session 03
Abstract Concurrent Session 04
14:30-15:00 |
Coffee Break, Visit Exhibition & Poster Viewing
15:00-16:30 |
Scientific Session: Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APS)
Fishbowl Discussion: What to Do When HCQ Needs to Be Stopped Due to Toxicity
Scientific Session: New Biologics - Lupus Drug Pipeline in SLE
Patient Session: SLE and Fertility, Pregnancy and Menopause
16:35-17:35 |
Debate Session: The Use of CNI in Lupus Nephritis
Debate Session: Lupus and the Heart - Should We Screen For CHB?
Scientific Session
Patient Session: Male Fertility
17:50-18:35 |
Afternoon Industry Symposium 01 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Afternoon Industry Symposium 02 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Afternoon Industry Symposium 03 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Time | Frontenac Ballroom | Metropolitan West | Pier 2&3 | Queens Quay | Exhibition | Offsite |
08:00-08:45 |
Breakfast Industry Symposium 04 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Breakfast Industry Symposium 05 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Breakfast Industry Symposium 06 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
09:00-10:00 |
Scientific Hybrid Session: Basic Track Presentations - Outstanding Abstract Presentations
Scientific Hybrid Session: Clinical Track Presentations - Outstanding Abstract Presentations
Scientific Session: CNS Lupus
Meet-the-Professor Session: Refractory Skin Manifestation
10:00-10:30 |
Coffee Break, Visit Exhibition & Poster Viewing
10:30-12:00 |
Clinical Scientific Session: Update on Lupus Nephritis, Novel Approaches in LN
Basic Scientific Session: Interferon in SLE
Patient Session: Access to Healthcare & Effect to Socio-Economic Determinants in SLE
10:30-11:20 |
Meet-the-Professor Session: Pregnancy and SLE
11:25-12:10 |
Clinical Scientific Session: Arthritis in SLE
12:15-13:15 |
Lunch Industry Symposium 04 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Lunch Industry Symposium 05 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Lunch Industry Symposium 06 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Lunch Break
13:30-14:30 |
Abstract Concurrent Session 05
Abstract Concurrent Session 06
Abstract Concurrent Session 07
Abstract Concurrent Session 08
14:30-15:00 |
Coffee Break, Visit Exhibition & Poster Viewing
15:00-16:15 |
Scientific Session: Cell Therapy in Lupus
Clinical Scientific Session: Overview of Treat to Target
Scientific Session: LRA (Part I)
Patient Session: Pharmacological Intervention & Nutrition and SLE
16:20-17:20 |
Clinical Scientific Session: Cognitive Impairment and Beyond
Clinical Scientific Session: Plaquenil Toxicity
Scientific Session: LRA (Part II)
Pediatric Scientific Session: Lupus Nephritis, Genetics, Outcomes and Updates on Therapy
17:35-18:20 |
Afternoon Industry Symposium 04 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Afternoon Industry Symposium 05 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Afternoon Industry Symposium 06 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
19:00-22:00 |
Gala Dinner
Time | Frontenac Ballroom | Metropolitan West | Pier 2&3 | Queens Quay | Exhibition |
08:00-08:45 |
Breakfast Industry Symposium 07 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Breakfast Industry Symposium 08 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Breakfast Industry Symposium 09 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
09:00-10:00 |
Clinical Scientific Session: Rare Lupus Manifestations
Meet-the-Professor Session: Type 1 and 2 Lupus
Meet-the-Professor Session: Pediatric SLE
Basic Scientific Session: Cutaneous Lupus, Pathogenesis, Heterogeneity & Disease Manifestations
10:00-10:30 |
Coffee Break, Visit Exhibition & Poster Viewing
10:30-11:30 |
Abstract Concurrent Session 09
Abstract Concurrent Session 10
Abstract Concurrent Session 11
Abstract Concurrent Session 12
11:45-12:45 |
Lunch Industry Symposium 07 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Lunch Industry Symposium 08 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Lunch Industry Symposium 09 (a non-accredited Industry Sponsored Symposium and is NOT part of the accredited main event)
Lunch Break
13:00-14:00 |
Debate Session: Kidney or Liquid Biopsy for Assessing Lupus Nephritis Activity
Fishbowl Discussion: How to Choose Among Rituximab, Belimumab and Anifrolumab
Scientific Session: Update on Damage in SLE, Construct, Metrics & Impact
Patient Session: Work It Out - Occupational Therapy for Lupus Warriors
14:05-15:05 |
Closing Plenary: Contrast LN Recommendations - EULAR and ACR and KDIGO
15:05-15:20 |
Closing Remarks